Tuesday, July 14, 2015

REVIEW: Mia Adora 3D Fiber Lashes Mascara

So here is my newest review here on the blog.  It's mascara!   I had a heckuva time getting a good picture, so bear with me!

This Mia Adora, I thought was going to be your average Fiber mascara, but I was pleasantly surprised that it wasn't!

It actually worked! 

Please understand that I have pretty much NO lashes thanks to medication that I'm taking and the one thing I miss is being able to "Tammy Faye" it up with some mascara!   Well now I can and I'm excited.

In the picture you will see that I have applied the Mia Adora on just one eye, so you can see the difference!  I had some issues with the angle but I think you will be able to see it.

Can you tell?  And please excuse the nose.

I'm so excited to do both and add a little eyeliner and shadow.

So the process itself was really super easy.   You put on a coat of the Magnifying Gel, wait a moment, then put on the Natural Fibers, then follow with some more Gel to seal up the Fibers.   You and do this process as many times as you like to get the lashes  you want.  By the time I was finished, my lashes were bonking against my glasses!  Yay!

Here are both eyes done... with a little extra.

 I decided to do that one in sunlight.

So over all the Mia Adora 3D Fiber Lashes get a 5 out of 5 stars from me because it makes me look like I have lashes again! 

Oh and it comes off as easily as it goes on!  I use eye makeup remover out of habit, but I really didn't need it with this product.

Now get on Amazon and get some!

DISCLAIMER:  I received this product for free in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

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